
A life as a comedian beckons for Paul Flynn MP - Is Peter Hain his idol ?

I you need cheering up at this depressing time of the year, read Paul Flynn's account of why we should be sorry that Peter Hain has lost his job.

The almost comical list of Peter Hain's achievements does go on and, if it is to be believed, Peter Hain should be made a saint, given a nobel prize and should be given a statue on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square.

Perhaps the most comical of Paul Flynn' assertions about who will not be sorry about Peter Hain departure are ;

"Hardcore tribalists in Northern Ireland who resent the results of his peace building."

Because let's face it, we all know that without Peter Hain's leadership on this issue, there would be no peace in Northern Ireland

And according to Paul Flynn, those who will be sorry include.

"The majority of the people of South Africa of all communities, who know his work in ushering in a just peaceful transition to majority rule."

Because again, the leadership of apartheid South Africa in 1990 turned to Peter Hain in order to bring an end to the hated segregationalist system they had. Without Peter Hain, Nelson Mandela would still be locked up.

I urge you to read the whol list Paul Flynn has written, particularly the final group who will be sorry;

"His parliamentary colleagues and millions of other people who have long admired his prodigious work, his honesty, integrity and decency."


To be fair though, if Paul Flynn is right about Peter Hain's extraordinary abilities, not that he has more time on his hands he should be able to sort out global warming, international terrorism and also perhaps his hardest task, which is to work out why the Welsh are so crap at football !


James Higham said...

Saints Peter and Paul?

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find that Major and Blair had a lot more to do with peace in Northern Ireland than Peter Hain. Even Mo Mowlam could probably be put in that category as well.

What a joke

Paul Flynn said...

First time on your famous blog. What a let down! 'PC gone mad" - Not again.

You deny your readers any mention of Peter Hain's unique achievements. For the full story and less cliche-ridden site direct your readers to paulflynnmp.co.uk.

Peter's Stop the 70s tour had a profound influence on world opiniuon . Who said so? Nelson Mandela. Of course, the NI peace was the work of others. Peter did the micro-surgery that concluded it.

Far from being a Hain groupie, I attacked him in a book in 19998 as Odo the Shapeshifter.
But he has suffered an injustice. He has not been found guilty of anything yet. To the media, all are innocent until they are proved to be Labour.

Paul Flynn said...

First time on your famous blog. What a let down! 'PC gone mad" - Not again.

You deny your readers any mention of Peter Hain's unique achievements. For the full story and less cliche-ridden site direct your readers to paulflynnmp.co.uk.

Peter's Stop the 70s tour had a profound influence on world opiniuon . Who said so? Nelson Mandela. Of course, the NI peace was the work of others. Peter did the micro-surgery that concluded it.

Far from being a Hain groupie, I attacked him in a book in 19998 as Odo the Shapeshifter.
But he has suffered an injustice. He has not been found guilty of anything yet. To the media, all are innocent until they are proved to be Labour.

Nich Starling said...

Paul, sorry it was such a let down. THe "Political Correctness Gone Mad" was a deliberately cliched titled. I guess I was trying to be ironic.

You have top admit your blog did give undue credit to Peter Hain, but in fairness I did offer people the link so they could look at your blog to see the credit you give him.

Yours is a proper blog and something few in the Labour party have, which is a blog worth reading.

I'm sure I'll link to you again, indeed I'll add you to my blogroll later.

Paul Flynn said...

To be added to your blogroll will be a major life pinnacle. I'll live for that moment.

Nich Starling said...

Oooh ! Get your handbag out.
