
Want to lose your council seat ? A once in a lifetime opportunity

David Miliband announced this afternoon in the Commons a plan to ask local councils to volunteer to have nuclear waste buried in their area.

Now I know having travellers sites place in your ward can be difficult enough (believe me - I know), but quite how a councillor sells the idea of having nuclear waste buried locally to electorate, I have no idea.

Apparently, they are going to persuade local councils by offering them large bribes.

"Local councils are to be invited to volunteer to have a nuclear dump in their area. Those chosen will benefit from multi-million pound investment. ", says the BBC

Luckily, with most of Norfolk being built upon sand and earth and not rock, we are not a very suitable area for nuclear waste to be buried. Given that if sea levels continue to rise we will all be under water here in Norfolk in 80 years time, it also may not be the government's first choice.

There are some Tories Councillors I know who are very pro nuclear. Perhaps I might suggest the waste be buried in their wards ... now there's an idea !


James Graham (Quaequam Blog!) said...

I think they should combine it with their scheme to regenerate poor urban areas with supercasinos. Why waste all that electricity on neon lights when your casino glows naturally?

Nich Starling said...

Don't suggest it too loud. Nothing is beyond this government.
