
Keith Vaz - What a prat !

Keith Vaz, that enormous wit (not the missing T) and intellect that has given so much to Britain during Labour's time in government has shown us just what talent the cabinet in his latest bleatings. This time it's him moaning about a computer game.

Yes, you heard it right, Kieth Vaz has so little to do that he has taken it upon himself to attack a computer game. The game is called "Canis Canem Edit", which I think is Latin for Dog Eat Dog. If so, at least the three months of latin I did at school was not wasted ! Actually, this game could make latin popular ?

So what is wrong with the game ? Well you take on the role of a school bully, hit people, steal things, generally have a bit of knock-about fun on a computer, note please (ON A COMPUTER - IT'S NOT REAL). Funnily enough, it is just like a computer game I owned in 1984 called "Skooldaze", a version of which can be viewed/played here.

In the game "skooldaze" you had a catapult to fire at people, you could write on the boards, you could hit teachers and other pupils and you could steal things from the staffroom and you could bunk off lessons. Basically, you could do all the same things as you can do in this new "bully" game.

If you thought that was bad, in the follow up "back to skool" you could break in to the neighbouring girls school, ride a bike around school and kiss girls (eugh !)

So why the fuss now ? Because it is all politically correct to attack computer games in 2006. In my experience though of playing skooldaze in 1984, I never copied any of the things I did in the game. I actually I did the complete opposite and became a teacher

Heaven knows Mr Vaz, perhaps this new game might solve the shortage of head teachers around the country, but seriously, get a life and stop jumping on bandwagons.


Anonymous said...

I remember the game. It was fabulous "fun". Some MP's make headlines and some chase them. I think Vaz falls in to the second category.

Anonymous said...

Vaz has been onto this for over two years now. He's obsessive on the subject, spurred on by some equally virulent Leicester women.

I had a friend who went for an interview for a researcher's job with him. He was asked to write a letter writing to the relevant culture minister... complaining about video game age certificates.

I know he isn't a minister and is condemned to many years of backbench uselessness, but surely he must have something better to do...

Nich Starling said...

This is a very "PC" subject at the moment. As Anonymous said, Kieht Vaz has a look and sound of someone desperate for some attention and headlines.
