
Norman Lamb podcasting - I can't believe it !

I've know Norman Lamb for many years now. I think we first met in 1992, and since then I have travelled back and forth across North Norfolk delivering, canvassing and spreading the word about what a great person Norman is. However, Norman has had one major fault in the past, and that is is inability to master modern technology.

I remember in the run up to the 2001 election when I had to ask Norman to leave his mobile phone "on" and that it wasn't just for him to make outgoing calls. He was also completely shocked that you could programme telephone numbers in to a mobile phone which enabled you to see who was phoning you and you wouldn't have to carry an address book with you everywhere.

When it comes to e-mailing, using the internet, and any other number of things that require new technology, Norman has often had to be pushed by activists to embrace them. When Norman can see the advantages, he is very enthusiastic, but he has sometimes taken some persuading.

So imagine my shock to see that Norman is actually pod casting ! His latest (this is his fourth one) pod cast is available here. It's a good idea which more MP's should take up.

Now the next step is video podcasting. I must give him a call about that.

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