
Why does it take an imminent General Election for something like this to happen ?

Is it any wonder that people so distrust central government and the whole circus of Westminster politics when decisions that seem obvious to everyone else suddenly happen with a General Election just weeks away.

The government today announced that the early release of prisoners would cease in the next few weeks, many would argue this is a cynical policy just to appeal to voters in time for the general election campaign.

No wonder so many people have lost patience with this government.


jailhouselawyer said...

The government is appealing to the wrong set of voters. As Lord Ramsbotham has observed, it has taken the government longer to implement the decision in Hirst v UK(No2) and give prisoners the vote, than it took to win World War 2!

Johnny Norfolk said...

Labour have had over 13 years to address these problems and they are only talking about them now. Judge Labour on what it has done not what it says it will do.

Unknown said...

It was always a crisis move, misconceived and badly managed from the top. With short term prisoners it is not so much the length of time in custody that is important than having a stable and ordered release. ECL threw all of this into jeopardy
