
The charade that is the X Factor audition

Firstly let me say that I am a big fan of the X factor, I have watched it each and every year and along with Harry Hill's TV burp, it is the only programme I watch on ITV. But does anyone for one minute actually believe the contrived series of events that they put out each week when they show the auditions.

Firstly, you only get to perform for the two judges if you are either very good or very bad. Everyone else is filtered out at a series of pre-auditions. You are expected to stand around and wave like a performing seal shouting "We've got the X Factor" so that Dermot can do his links in front of you. If you moan about anything you will be thrown out of the auditions. And finally, the signs saying things like "I've got the X Factor" and "I love Simon" are made by the production team and given out to the people for staged shots. Presumably this is also done for Big Brother.

Don't get me wrong, I know it is al part of the entertainment, but the show is appearing to be more and more contrived and controlled. Why not show some element of the pre auditions ? Why not allow through some of the god people and omit some of those who have no ability at all ?

If you want to read more about the X Factor auditions, there is an excellent article about them HERE.


alistair said...

Perhaps after your comments on the Party conferences. This is how you would like them run?

None of the above said...

Charlie Brooker tells you all you need to know about x factor:


James Higham said...

The world of those who own TVs.

the pro from dover said...

There was a cringing moment in the Susan Boyle Show(was that Britain's got talent, or something), when they auditioned the young Welsh lad who eventually got to the final.
In Cardiff, he starts singing his song to the panel, Simon (the genius) stops him after a couple of bars... 'no, no, no, is there anything else you can sing?' The youngster then pulls out the shostopper big one & knocks 'em dead. Cut to Simon, who waits for the camera, gives a smug aside to the patsy judge forced to sit beside him (maybe Aman-To-Holdem) and says 'I was sure he could sing, that first song didn't seem right to me, so I stopped him blah, blah, blah...
'All off me own bat, see!"
Naw, Simon, yer a tosser.

Turns out the lad was a stage-school veteran of course, and could take scripted direction.
