
The South African supporters of Mugabe's destruction of Zimbabwe

South Africa has a lot to answer for regarding the mass starvations in Zimbabwe, the political murders and the collapse of the economy there. Whilst the world denounced Mugabe's regime, South Africa maintains its tacit support for Mugabe and forgets that it has responsibilities to stand up for the oppressed people in that country.

In the same way as Russia defends the inhuman treatment of protesters in Burma, which bodes ill for the Russian democracy, we all ought to look at South Africa and question the ANC's commitment to democracy and free speech whilst they maintain their support of Mugabe.

One clear sign of South Africa's overt support for Mugabe can be found in this story HERE, which explains that South African police now arrest anyone putting up anti Mugabe posters in South Africa, even when they are on bought and paid for advertising hoardings.

Hat tip to Liberal England for pinting me the way of the blog in question via this story HERE.


Anonymous said...

Just a quote from your posting of the 14th:

"I am rather pleased to see candidates using modern technology. No, what I don't like are the errors....."

You might want to change the title. Glass houses and all that.

Nich Starling said...

I also said that I make many mistakes BUT I am not a candidate. If I were (and I have been in the past) my work is thoroughly proof read by three other people. My blog is not.

Anonymous said...

"South Africa maintains its tacit support for Mugabe and forgets that it has responsibilities to stand up for the oppressed people in that country"

It is not about oppressed people mate; it's about getting whitey out of Africa! Oh and what will happen then? They would have achieved their aims! And? No, it's all about the mastaer plan which is to get rid of
white people in Africa! And of course everywhere else!

Who was it who said once Mandela is dead we'll get rid of all the white people in sth Africa? Some anc racist!


Anonymous said...
Just a quote from your posting of the 14th:

"I am rather pleased to see candidates using modern technology. No, what I don't like are the errors....."
You might want to change the title. Glass houses and all that.

He doesnt have to change the title!
Keep up the great work Nick!
