
Norwich Northern Bypass = Planned traffic chaos

The proposals published today by Conservative run Norfolk County Council for the new Northern Bypass, or NDR as it is called, are detailed and answer some questions. However, the plans fail in one key area, that being that it is not a bypass ! Read the EDP report HERE.

The failure to include the final link joining from the Fakenham Road to the Southern Bypass means that the new road will deposit many thousands of extra cars each day in to Taverham and Drayton, and once there, there will be no final link up to the Southern by-pass, thus forcing all these cars through the narrow roads of Ringland, Honingham and Costessey.

It is simply not good enough for the Tories running county hall to come up with a solution to a smaller problem North and East of the city to then create a bigger problem to the North West. Yes, there are environmental concerns, but what about the concerns of residents in the areas that will be most affected.

How will people from Fakenham and North Norfolk get to the Southern bypass. Simple, they’ll go the old way, through the villages, as they always have, because driving clockwise round the NDR to Postwick to join the A47 is a 40 mile round trip. It isn’t going to happen, and trying to force people to do so is hardly going to help the environment. We need a proper by-pass that links the whole NDR on both sides to the Southern by-pass. This plan from County Hall is what can be called simply planned traffic chaos or planning blight !


Anonymous said...

Thought we killed off the northern by-pass 20 years ago...

If they want to spend some serious money on transport solutions, they should revive the M&GN and open a rail link from Kings Lynn to Norwich running through Fakenham and down through the northern suburbs.

Nich Starling said...

I certainly agree about re-introducing the rail link to Fakenham. Ther trackbed is there to do it most of the way already. When I was interviewed for "Local Government First", I said that it is the thing I would like most for my council ward.

Anonymous said...

The waste of spending on the NDR is a waste (Gunsons NDR baby), as is the Costessey Incinerator(Monson's EfW Baby - £100 million capital + £500,000 revenue costs over 25 years) is a public menace/blight and more public money "wasted" up a chimney.

Many thinks coming out of County Hall these days are Strategic Lunacy!

Unknown said...

The NDR will not reduce congestion in Norwich, but increase traffic on radial routes causing more traffic problems. Congestion in Norwich should be addressed by PUBLIC TRANSPORT improvements, not by encouraging car use (the root of the problem!!).

As for funding, NCC bang on about being given Government funding, but in fact they have NONE! I do not wish to pay for this road in my council tax! If road user charging is introduced, I want the money raised to go towards public services and not to fund an ill-thought out road scheme.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a stupid idea from a Tory council which has run out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

i think its an excellent thing to happen, it will certainly cut plenty of time off my journey to north norfolk and will also help massively with employment in the area during these rough times

Nich Starling said...

It would be great, were it a by-pass and not a 3/4 road. There is little point in reating a by-pass that does not actually bypass one of the busiest areas and isntead crives more traffic through the middle of it.

Anonymous said...

The whole idea of the NDR is flawed. Now we have a road from Postwick to the A140 to justify an "eco-town!" Can anyone else see the irony?

Anyone who persists in calling for a full NDR should be slapped repeatedly about the face with a wet fish: this is a waste of public money. The Wensum is protected area which is why all previous attempts have failed. Why mindlessly bang your head against the same brick wall? Can't politicians look at the problems and come up with new, sustainable solutions? Just go to virtually any European city; here suthorities are centralising services, not encourging more car commuting and "out of town retail" that will inevitably increase the problem in the long run.

Please, please can we have some innovative ideas for the future "green" challenges?
