
Broadland Council attempts to silence councillors

I know a number of Broadland Councillors, and was shocked to hear from them that they are asked not to speak on any planning issues in their own wards and parishes, even if they are not on the planning committee. This means that the council are attempting to stop elected councillors from speaking even if they have some important knowledge that could aid the planning process.

The reason, i am told, is that if they know the area, they must, according to the Council have a "prejudicial interest". Odd council Broadland, they will allow councillors who don't live in their parishes and don't know an area to speak, but those who have local knowledge are asked to keep quiet.

We all want councillors to declare an interest when they have one, but we don't want good local councillors to be prevented from speaking because they actually have something to add to a debate.

A seriously odd council !

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