
Mid Norfolk Tories bow to pressure to include local candidate on shortlist

Mid Norfolk Tories included a Norfolk based solicitor, James Tumbridge, on their shortlist of four to go before the final selection meeting to slect their parliamentary candidate.

After weeks of pressure from local Tories, angered at the failure of the local party to include local candidates in their shortlists, it appears they have bowed to pressure.

Quite how Mr Tumbridge will do in the final selection will be interesting. He made little impact at he general election in Norwich North where the Tory vote fell last time. He is up against three "A list" glitterati candidates, so he may find it difficult. but given the furore in the local press, his local credentials should give him an advantage. A Mid Norfolk Tory I know beleives that he is now the favourite to win.

I don't want to be hyper critical of the Tories, who it appears have finally taken the view that Norfolk based people are good enough to be considered for parliament. So for once, the Tories have listened. If only they would do that more often ! Posted by Picasa

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