
From bad to worse in Iraq - Come on Tony, admit its a balls up !

The American's have admitted that the latest security initiative in Iraq are not a success, indeed, the US policy of flooding areas with troops, door to door searches for militants and a higher presence on the streets has seen a 22% rise in attacks !

Even George Bush is admitting that Iraq is becoming like Vietnam whilst Sir Ian Blair (boy does this man like an opportunity to speak to the press) came out with something that I thought was obvious, that being that the UK is the number one target for Al-Qaeda. He then outlined that the reasons for this were because of our close links with Pakistan. He didn't mention what everyone outside of the Labour Party knows, that being that we are number one target because we invaded iraq with no mandate and have through our policies wrecked the country whilst we sat back and did nothing whilst Israel bombed Lebanon.
If we want to reduce our chances of being attacked then lets not invade countries for oil, lets actually do something about the Palestine problems and lets be a critical friend to Israel, not a silent partner to their excesses.
In the meantime, more British troops will die in Iraq and our security services will have their work cut out to stop terror attacks in the UK. Come on Tony, admit Iraq is a disaster !

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