
Climate change - will all parties back Stern report ?

Sir Nicholas Sterns report on the economic impact of climate change is, from a first scan of its conclusions a worry and genuine concern for everyone. Put simply, he says the cost of putting right the damage and preparing now for climate change will be one twentieth of what it will cost in the future.

The BBC reports on the report suggest that it is thorough and makes clear that there is little alternative to taking action as soon as possible.

Which brings me to the question, will all three of the main political parties sign up to it ? This is a unique opportunity to take a stand on the environment and say clearly that nobody is going to point score on this issue, we all stand together to tackle this issue or we all will suffer the consequences.

Fingers crossed !

1 comment:

Nich Starling said...

Someone has to take the lead. Britain has done it in the past on important issues, so why not this one also ?
