
Chapelfield Shopping Centre, Norwich - Daftest parking charges in the known world ?

I just nipped in to Chapelfield shopping centre in Norwich to get some football boots after work. The parking charges are £1 per hour, with a flat rate maximum fee after 3pm of £1.50, even if you are more than an hour.

So what would you expect to pay if you are there for just 35 minutes (as I was) ? I expected to pay just one pound, but I was charged the full £1.50. I could see why I was charged £1.50, but it hardly seems fair. What a daft system.

Next time I'll got to the Castle Mall shopping centre instead.


Antony said...

I couldn't agree more - but then Norwich doesn't seem too fussed on encouraging parking anyway!

Nich Starling said...

I despair at Norwich's anti car attitude. At least the council did re-build the St Andrews Car Park that Labout had allowed to fall in to rack and ruin.
