
Why I don't want to be in Iain Dale's top 100 blogs !

I have been reading a number of political blogs in the last couple of days, and have been amazed by how many Lib Dems and Labour people have got oh so over excited because "self appointed" political "blog lord" Iain Dale (remember him the people of Norfolk - Yes, he came to North Norfolk claiming he, as the Tory candidate, was all set to win, then departed having boosted the Lib Dem majority by over 10,000 - He then left Norfolk and returned to Kent).

So why, do Lib Dems and Labour people get so excited about the subjective views of a Tory whose political judgement has been shown to be so flawed in the past ?

Answers on a postcard please !


Neil said...

i got excited because i was thankful at least one person was reading my blog.

Andy said...

More to the point, why are they now all carrying his "I'm in the top 100" buttons without - presumably - charging him for the advertising space?

Nich Starling said...

Because they are all very sad. It all panders to Mr Dale's rather pompous and self important ego.

I've been mis-represented on Iain Dale's blog in the past, I have asked people to ask him to remove the incorrect references to me, and he hasn't. Says it all really.

Don't pander to his vanity !
