
Have I been banned by Lib Dem blogs aggregated ?

I wondered why it is that I was getting no links from Lib Dem blogs aggregated so I had a look to see if I was having my blog postings listed on Lib Dem blogs. Rather surprisingly, I find out that I appear to have been removed as none of my postings for several days have appeared in the Lib Dem blog listings.

I note that on their "News" page they state that there are some problem about occasioanl postings not appearing if you use Feedburner as your RSS (as I do), but they don't say that all of your posts wil be missing or excluded.

Very odd indeed. I would hope that if I have been banned somebody in the Lib Dems would let me know, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a much more major Feedburner problem than they are letting on.


Stephen Glenn said...

Hope this records a link through for you.

Nich Starling said...

Unfortunately not, it appears that everything I post does not get published on Lib Dem Blogs.

Very odd indeed. I guess it would need a Lib Dem who DOES get their blog published on Lib Dem blogs to ask the question.

Anonymous said...

Why when something goes odd is your first question whether it is a conspiracy against you and only then go on to talk about more innocent explanations?

Anonymous said...

PS Who is this mysterious "they"? Ryan runs Liberal Democrat Blogs. Is it too cynical of me to think you wrote about "they" to make it all sound dark and mysterious and oh poor you? Why did you not just write, "Dear Ryan, what is going on?"

Bill Quango MP said...

Get back on..you are too good for them.

Anonymous said...

I've had similar problems in the past Nich.

I'm pretty sure it was technological rather than a 'banning'!

Nich Starling said...

Steve, have you ever written a Focus ?

Anonymous said...

It's a Feedburner thing. It was happening to me most of September, Ryan's flummoxed as to why, so I've switched back to a good ol' Wordpress feed.

Null said...

Perhaps they are frightened of you stealing their limelight? Whatever...

I don't read any other LibDem blogs. You live in my favourite part of the world and (most of the time) I agree with your viewpoint. So, just carry one doing what you are doing....

Matt Wardman said...

>Steve, have you ever written a Focus ?

He's right though about emailing first. Small blaggregators are notorious for getting stuck. Mine are anyway.

It could just be someone else's feed that was badly formatted just before you in the list.

It seems to be a thing with Lib Dem MPs ;-)

