
Another dim idea from a Labour supporter, but given the source it's hardly surprising

A Norfolk Labour activist is suggesting that people buying a round of drinks be effectively abolished as people's alcohol consumption could be monitored on an "entitlement card". His suggestion would mean that if you bought a round the whole round would appear next to your name on your record of alcohol consumption. This would stop you buying rinks for your partner, it would stop people drinking if they had had too much. Presumably also creating a black market for people who don't drink to also sell their entitlement to someone else ?

And of course on top of all this it would essentially be another way of the big brother Labour state monitoring and controlling what people do in their private lives.

You have to remember though that the person who wrote this letter is someone many Lib Dems in Norfolk know. Before jumping ship from the Lib Dems, something that every Lib Dem I know gave a big cheer for when they heard (indeed, many would have wanted to give him a shove and encouragement many years before), the author, was the sort of person you avoided at conferences. Long on talk but short on anything interesting to say. And now, having been a Tory, then a Lib Dem, he finds himself in Labour.

Believe me, they are welcome to him.


Pablo (yo) said...
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Stephen Glenn said...

Nich you forgot the fact, that he appears to mention the card needing to be swiped for every purchase. So what happens when you are buying the stocks for your daughter's wedding for example. Surely that trolly full of alcohol will lead you being taken straight away to some Labour sponsored drying out tank, even if you have a liver condition and haven't personally touched a drop in years.

Nich Starling said...

Honestly, if you knew him you'd realise this is one of his better ideas.

Quietzapple said...

We are controlling him carefully, one of Osborne's snouts takes him very seriously . . .

Brian E. said...

What a good idea! For those who remember the years after the war and the black market in petrol coupons, I'm sure we would manage to have a similar black market in alcohol! And think of the employment it would create - all those people issuing and checking entitlements together with even more council inspectors going round checking records. And of course, the Houses of Parliament would be exempt.
Blow you Jack, I'm OK, my daughter is teetotal!

IlikeNorfolk said...

I think it's a great idea - so far this year the total alcohol consumption of my three adult household is ..... one Pimms in July.

Just think of the resale value of our unused quota !!
