
How utterly useless is the BBC weather website

The BBC used to have a really good weather website. It may not have been all singing, al dancing, but it told you the forecast, told you the temperatures and as clear to understand. Then the BBC decided it needed a revamp. Now it is useless as a means of predicting the weather.

Take a look at the temperature forecast for Friday this week. What does it tell us ?

It appears that in Norfolk the temperature is coing to be light orange, in parts of Cambridgeshire the temperature will be darker orange whilst in Londonderry it will be light green. What does that mean ? Where is the key ? Who on earth thought this is a good way of giving us the temperatures ?

The website also has much less data than the previous one. You used to be able to look at satellite maps which just showed precipitation, just showed cloud, indeed you could select and deselect so many options which are missing from the present website. Sadly the new (I know its about a year old but you get my drift) seems to rely on people being weather forecasters in order to be able to discern what the maps actually shows.

Oh, and please don't get me on to the fact that there is an obsession with telling us what the weather has been like. I know this, I can look out of the window !

Update : There is a key on the website. The point is that I expect it to be bearer to or on the map. If I missed it (and I am quite PC and internet savvy), how many others missed it ?


jailhouselawyer said...

That is the key. The more orange you become the more suntanned. When it turns to pale blue, watch out for the ice on the roads.

Nich Starling said...

But it isn't a key is it. It needs to say that light orange is 15-18 degrees, dark orange is 18-21 degrees, etc.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall Jackie Mason once talking about British weather forecasts, and how in this country we appear to want to know what things are in degrees and percentages; what he wanted was whether he needed to wear a coat or not 'is it cold, is it hot?'...

Nich Starling said...

You are right, but this map does not tell my anything. Is light orange too hot for a coat or is it too cold for just a T-shirt ?

Null said...

Agreed. Not very intuitive at all. Dare I say, not very Apple Mac?

Martin said...

Have you not noticed the button marked 'key', above the top right hand corner of the map?

Nich Starling said...

Moppy, I hadn't noticed it which does make me wonder how many others have missed it too. Not the most intuitive site.

Stu said...

http://www.umbrellatoday.com is the only weather service you'll ever need ;-)

Neil said...

Totally agree, but that change the forecasts so often. One minute it is raining, the next it is the hotest day of the year. I don't rely on it anymore.

Alan Douglas said...

Fortunately in the UK there is little chance of normal mortals turning into Peter Hain then.

Alan Douglas

Anonymous said...

If it is worth your time - try adding your comments to http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/journalismlabs/2009/05/making_the_new_bbc_weather_sit.html - many people there share your views.

All the best!
