
So I made a mistake ... but it could be worse

On Saturday night, rather late, I posted a story about how Iain Dale really didn't get it when it comes to Vince Cable. Due to the lateness of the day and a lack of sleep, I didn't really go in to the depth of research I my normally do. In short, I cocked up with some of my facts, perhaps made worse by the fact that when adding an update in Sunday I didn't check up on Peter Lilley and the fact that he had actually been shadow chancellor.

Iain Dale actually contacted me to point out my error, and I guess some would have deleted the story and hope people would forget about it. However, I get sick to death of bloggers deleting stories they have written in order to make out they have some sort of unblemished record of accuracy.

So I decided to leave the story in place. Iain linked to it and a received the abuse that perhaps I in part deserve. I also think that like our politicians, bloggers and journalists should hold up their hands and say when they have made errors. It is too easy for people on the internet to press delete.

I still believe that Iain Dale fails to given Vince Cable the credit he deserves, but before calling Iain names (even in jest), I need to double check my facts. Lesson learnt.

However, it could be worse. I love they way when anyone makes a mistake the anonymous trolls come out to play and leave silly and abusive comments. Many of them are anonymous, but you also get those who I think are lower in the food chain than the anonymous poster. Those are the people who register their Wordpress or Blogger ID, but choose to keep it anonymous.

These people, who snipe and hurl abuse, have neither the guts to write their own blogs or the bravery to put their name to their views.

So whilst I may make mistakes, and I am sure I will again at some point in the future, but I'd rather read another blogger like me who shows they are human, stands up to be counted and doesn't hide behind some electronic veil rather than be a sniper from the sidelines who offers nothing other than barbs and bile.


Chairman Bill said...

Bloggers are not human - they're imaginary creatures of the mind.

Anonymous said...

I read you not for an unbiased, factual account but because of your self-righteous rantings.

Haribo said...

I get sick to death of bloggers deleting stories they have written in order to make out they have some sort of unblemished record of accuracy

Hmm, didn't you once edit a post that was being criticised (I seem to recall by Alex Wilcock, although I may be wrong) without clarifying the changes? Isn't that just as bad?

Nich Starling said...


Not quite what you say. I edited a posting before I received many hits in order to make my post more accurate and to remove factual errors but Alex rant back to the original story from the google cache and chose to write about that, with no credit given for thy clarification I made.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to edit, correct and clarify. But agree that it seems wrong to delete whole stories, especially when another blog links to it.

Null said...

Well done Nich. Refreshing...


We don't agree with half the stuff you come out with but enjoy your blog because it's quite feisty.

So what if you get it wrong from time to time if you're big enough to put your hands up to it, it endears you to your readers far more than some of the half-arsed apologies you read elsewhere.

As a former councillor and someone who presumably has a handle on such things, we'd be interested to read your take on this:


Nich Starling said...

I have said lots about it over a longer period of time.







In essence, I think thwe Districts provide a better service to local communities than a large council would. I also think people lik the local link that would be lsot if a whole Norfolk council came in, so I support maintaing the existing councils.

There might be arguments about saving money but what price do we put on democracy ?


Thanks, we'll have a read.
