
The Liberal Democrats - Sponsored by Tesco

I received an invitation to the "Approved Parliamentary Candidates Reception" at conference a few days ago, I note "Sponsored by Tesco".

I am not going to conference anyway, but if I were, I couldn't possibly go to something sponsored by Tesco.

The constant bullying by Tesco of councillors in North Norfolk who oppose plans for a Tesco in Sheringham, the lies they told about the impact of a Tesco on Stalham in North Norfolk and the quite awful way they lied and manipulated information when getting store built in completely the wrong place in my old District Council ward, coupled with the bullying they used at meetings means that I could never go to a political event sponsored by Tesco.

Surely another sponsor could have been found, and one with less of an obvious interest in having councillors who might feel favourable to them ?


Duncan Borrowman said...

I agree. I talked to a company better known for their connection with our campaigning to sponsor this a couple of years ago, and they agreed. But somebody somewhere persuaded them to sponsor training instead and Tesco stayed as sponsors of the Candidates Reception.

Paula Keaveney said...

Quite right... over the summer I read Tescopoly, and vowed never to shop in Tescos again. I am not at conference this year unfortunately but have the same feelings as you about their position as a sponsor.
