
Every Labour supporter should ask themselves - "Is this the type of party I want to see succeed ?"

Under Tony Blair in Sedgefield, Labour seem to have developed some of the lowest and scummiest campaigning tactics ever.

Watch how they treat the Lib Dems in the first clip

And how they treat David Cameron in this clip

Possibly the nicest thing you could say about Labour is that they behave like scum in both, lowering the tone and acting like the sort of bussed in rabble that dictators rely on in the states that were part of the former Soviet Union.

As for the Lib Dems and David Cameron, they are to be congratulated on their tolerance and patience in the face of such pathetic provocation.


Anonymous said...

Notice the same fat Labour bloke in the black T-shirt in both clips. It appears he only has one top. I guess he washes it on his birthday. It was probably white when he bought it.

Normal Mouth said...

I see Labour supporters waving Labour placards at their opponents. So what?

Praguetory said...

Personally, I think that being a Labour Party member is in itself a source of shame, but this presents a fairly convincing case.

Anonymous said...

So Lib Dems have never disrupted annother candidates campaign launch? To be honest it sucks whoever's doing it - and all politics ends up tarred with the same brush.

Anonymous said...

remember you idiot, these are the children of miners who suffered much worse at the hands of little lord fontelroy's party ... he's lucky he cam out alive if i was there.

Anonymous said...

I still don't see the justification or how it raised the bar in political ethics.

Anonymous said...

No wonder we have such a poor turn out at elections.

How can I encourage people to care about the community when you have people representing politics behaving like this.

Anonymous said...

Labour's approach to democracy is pretty clear from the past ten years but I don't think our cause is served at all by calling them 'scum'. Let's fight them tooth and nail but we shouldn't stoop to their level.

Congratulations on becoming a father. It's pure joy.

Anonymous said...

Nich, it won't surprise you but I am totally against this sort of 'campaigning'. Though the Conservatives were in 2nd place at the last election, is it a "two-horse race between Labour and the Lib Dems"?

Anonymous said...

its amusing, because greg stone can give negative underhand political attacks, as seen on labour watch, based on spurious evidence in many cases - yet can't take his launch being hijacked. boo hoo.

the cameron one was just funny "give us a hug mr cameron", even lord david is seen laughing.

Anonymous said...

So Paul, a man who waqs unable to accept the responsibility of power and who could teach Judas Iascariot a thing or two about loyaloty speaks.
