
Now Howard is questioned over cash for honours probe

The Tories have been quick to throw mud over police questioning of Labour people over the whole cash for honours issue, but the latest, and let me stress "routine" questioning that involves Michael Howard (who the police say is not personally under suspicion) should remind people that the Tories were just as keen for businessmen to give them large donations, and for those same businessmen to completely co-incidentally be awarded subsequently with peerages.

I am still at a loss to personally explain what Michael Ashcroft did to justify his peerage. I seem to recall that he acted as an ambassador to a foreign nation, then leant the Tories many millions to stave off bankruptcy, then and this is in chronological order, received a peerage at the request of the Conservative Party. Call me a cynic, but is there a link ?

Many Tories will no doubt raise issues regarding Labour receiving money off unions and these Union barons becoming peers, and that too is wrong. Whilst the Lib Dems have had problems recently regarding the £2.4m donation recieved in the run up to the election, at no point has there been any hint of honours or influence being given by the Lib Dems because of this donation.

There was also the case in the early 1990's of corporate donors to the Tories receiving benefits from the then Tory government in return for more favourable terms and contracts. Why did the planning laws on mobile phone masts get altered to the benefit of the mobile firms ? Anything to do with large corporate donations ? Were certain insurance firms given exclusive deals to offer insurance to opted out schools ?

The Tories were quick to accuse Labour on this whole issue, but it may well come back to bite them !


Anonymous said...

Whilst the Lib Dems have had problems recently regarding the £2.4m donation recieved in the run up to the election, at no point has there been any hint of honours or influence being given by the Lib Dems because of this donation

No hint of giving stolen property back either!!
The bloke got the honour of going to prison - will you have his money to bankroll the Norwich South campaign next time?

Nich Starling said...

Hardly. I don't know if you realise, but you can't spend the money twice.

I tried to be fair by raising the point, but I was on a particular topic, which was the cash for honours/influence investigation that is ongoing. I appreciate as a supporter of another party you would like to talk about the £2.4m and turn the debate on to the Lib Dems. I'd prefer to stick to point in hand (oo-er !)

Anonymous said...

Get a life Nich. Get that point out of your hand. Have a good holiday.

Anonymous said...

They are in it up to their necks.

Keep your eye on Ian Duncan Smith.

They took £22M in loans and Labour took £14M.

Peerages are in there from both sides.

There is also the issue of CCO and who owns it. The tax haven is the Virgin islands and all profits from sales are therefore illegal.

They are not innocent and are probably more culpable than Labour.


Nich Starling said...

Yes. People in glass houses come to mind. As I wrote, this could come back to haunt them.
